


May 6, 2022



Commentary for May 6, 2022:

So, Sonic and Tails are off on an adventure of their own; we’ll catch up with them in the next chapter, which will be happening more or less concurrently with the events of this chapter.

This page was a nuisance. While I had assets I could use to make a small town by the side of a lake, I wanted something very specific for the village at Whitetail Lake. I wanted wooden buildings with thatched roofs, and you’d be amazed how few 2D videogames from the 1990’s and 2000’s actually have anything like that in them (or whose background assets are readily available online today), and very few of them were any use to me. What I was able to use in panel 5, I adapted from Ganbare Goeman 2, a game I’d literally never heard of until working on this page, and the few assets I got from there I needed to heavily edit for my purposes. But for close ups on these buildings, I found nothing I could easily use. So I made some 3D models of log cabins instead. It took a while, but I think they look good, and making sprites of them instead would have probably taken me a lot longer. Expect a lot more 3D background assets going forward.

Now we last encountered the Wolf Pack at the end of Chapter 34, but their biggest appearance so far was in Chapter 28. However, I need to point out that they were not the same Wolf Pack as the one we’re meeting here. We’ll learn more about how the different Wolf Packs work in Eon’s World in a few pages, however.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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