Dark Legacy

It’s a brave new world.

Following the brief, but devastating Earth-Mars War, the planets of Sol have united under the new Terran Union. But the ghosts of the past are not so easily laid to rest and sinister shadows are growing that threaten to end this new era of peace before it has even begun.

Season 1 contains Eon's World Vol. 2, Chapters 1 through 7.

Distant Thunder

As the Terran Union takes its first tentative steps into the interstellar community, a new power is rising from across the trackless void of space that threatens not only Sol, but the entire galaxy itself. Can the heroes of Terran Union rise to meet the challenges of this new era of uncertainty and peril?

Season 2 contains Eon's World Vol. 2, Chapters 8 through 15 (in progress).


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