November 6, 2019


Commentary for November 6, 2019:

Za H’Let, like Jayna Liddy, first appeared in Eon’s Comic over eleven years ago now and, although he’s not yet had the opportunity to do anything significant in any of my writings, his character has been strongly defined in my mind all this time and it is delightful to finally be doing something with him. He will, of course, make his earliest canonical appearance in Eon’s World when Vol. 1 reaches the point at which he originally appeared in Eon’s Comic, and I may give him a slightly bigger role when we get there, but I haven’t planned quite that far ahead yet.

As originally conceived, Za was based on an Andorian, as I’d been watching a lot of Star Trek: Enterprise at the time I created him, and I enjoyed the recurring character, Shran. Now, there’s no reason why I couldn’t have just populated the galaxy of Eon’s World with species from Star Trek, but that would take a lot of more explaining than I was interested in doing. So, when it came to actually drawing characters of this species for Eon’s World Vol. 2, I changed the antennae into horns. I’m afraid I don’t have a name for Za’s species yet and I may never. Much like Yoda, it’s not actually important what species he is. If that changes, I’ll come up with something. Of course, I know it’s been a long time since then, but he’s not the first of his species to appear in Eon’s World, either. That honour belongs to Tals’ha, one of the Terran Jedi council, who we last saw in Chapter 2.

Eon’s internal monologue in the first three panels was meant to mirror this scene from Chapter 8, where Delta is having similar doubts about what she’s trying to do. I feel like I may have gone a little overboard with the text, especially considering how it completely obscurs most of the background characters in the first two panels. I had drawn some nice looking characters on paper, but given how they’d be covered up by the word balloons in the script as written, I did them in silhouette in the final, digitized panels. I floated the first panel or two by a couple of friends, who both independently suggested perhaps leaving the first panel completely silent to remedy this, but I also wanted to show Eon being overwhelmed with thoughts of self-doubt. Undervaluing himself is a problem Eon has always suffered from, after all.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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