November 2, 2019


Commentary for November 2, 2019:

I didn’t mention it on the last page, because the commentary started running a little long, but blue wine! I guess it’s a bit of a sci-fi trope, really, to have exotically coloured beverages. I’m thinking of stuff like Romulan ale, of course. But I digress. Corneria is very much an Earth-like planet -- it’s populated entirely by Mobians, so undoubtedly a lot of other plant and animal life that is also found on Earth can be found there, too. But it is still an alien planet, and it has some unique flora and fauna, which includes fruits you can make a blue wine from, just like red and white grapes are used to red and white wines. How does it taste? No idea. I don’t actually drink, myself, so I don’t even know what real wine tastes like, to say nothing of Cornerian blue wine.

Anyway, there isn’t a whole lot else to say about this page. It’s mostly here to introduce Vice President Steele to the readers, because he is going to become an important character in future chapters. So, watch this space!

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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