May 21, 2019



Commentary for May 21, 2019:

If watching Game of Thrones these past eight years has taught me anything, it’s that conversations are a brilliant way to disguise massive lore dumps in a story.

So when I first decided to include the Freedom Fighters as regular characters in the Eon’s World universe (and not as dimensional travellers from the SatAM or even Archie comics universe), I hadn’t quite figured out the backgrounds of some of the characters. Antoine has always been French, even in a cartoon and a comic where France doesn’t exist (at least it hasn’t for a few thousand years); but in Eon’s World, a distant descendant of France at least does exist (very distant, considering it's over fifty thousand years in the future), so he ought to be from there. Initially, I decided that the Francia of Eon's World, however, had no monarchy, so he would not have been from a family of royal guardsmen; but I reversed this decision when I created the recently revised map. This was mainly to put some distance between the Francia of Eon’s World and the France of the real world. The only real connection between the two is the approximate region and the language; but as with all nations at this time, there is very little of our time that has survived into this age.

Bunnie’s backstory is quite a bit different here to SatAM or Archie Sonic, however. Obviously, Johnny Lightfoot was not a character in either of those, so they weren’t siblings like they are here. But how Bunnie came to be the Rabbot we all know and love is markedly different here. Roboticisation does not exist in Eon’s World, at least not in the way it did in SatAM or Archie Sonic, where a living creature is completely transformed into a robot -- and it’s completely reversible. The closest you could get to it is something along the lines of legionising from Archie Sonic (which was very similar to Borg assimilation from Star Trek), where a creature is "augmented" ("Mutilated" is a more appropriate term, if it is done without consent) by removing organic body parts and replacing them with cybernetics -- something which does not appear to be entirely reversible. So, Bunnie wasn’t the victim of interrupted roboticisation here; she literally lost her limbs and had to have them replaced. But, as a nod to Bunnie’s backstory in Vol. 2 of Archie Sonic, Rotor and Tails helped her out by giving her the advanced cybernetics she has now so she could use them in the fight against Doctor Eggman.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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