


June 15, 2022



Commentary for June 15, 2022:

Hark! An entirely traditionally styled page with no 3D stuff in it! What a twist!

Yeah, I’m only using the 3D stuff in a fairly limited capacity, so most pages are going to be like this, same as they ever were. At least, for now. I don’t know, though. If I had the skill to make a lot more really good looking 3D assets and do it quickly, maybe there’d be more. But as it is, this is how most pages are going to look, so not any different than before, really. Heck, the monorail terminal here is basically lifted straight from Chapter 27.

Now in the original, this was the story where Bomber-1’s elite Buzzbomber commander counterpart from Eon’s Comic was first destroyed, also by Sora-Ya just like here. They were later rebuilt (and destroyed again eventually, permanently that time), but I don’t have any plans to repeat that for Eon’s World. Bomber-1 is dead and probably won’t be rebuilt. Rust in pieces.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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