


June 17, 2020



Commentary for June 17, 2020:

Am I using cartoon animal people to make a point about how we sometimes assume someone is a criminal or a terrorist because of the colour of their skin, the religion they follow, or where they’re from? Yeah, big time. I’m not trying to hit readers with an anvil here, but I’d like to think some of the themes I’m exploring are fairly obvious.

Anyway, this page made me aware of how there aren’t really any regular wheelchair users in Eon’s World. Now, just as queer representation is important in fiction, so is disabled representation. Technically, I do already have disabled characters in Eon’s World. Bunnie Rabbot is an amputee, as is Serena Darkstorm in Vol. 2, and I’ve written a few characters, like Blaze the Cat and Delta Starfire, as autistic (although, I’m not sure how much it counts if I never state it outright), so it’s not like there are no disabled characters in this fiction. But some people are wheelchair users and I think it would be nice to try and give them some representation here, too.

But Dawn’s not it. She’s in that chair because she literally just got out of surgery after getting shot in the lower abdomen. She’ll be on her feet before the end of the day if she has anything to say about it.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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