


May 8, 2020



Commentary for May 8, 2020:

It occurred to while writing this scene in the script that Nack the Weasel has, however inadvertently, saved the day. So... does that make him a Deus Ex Nackina...?

I’ll see myself out.

Anyway, you might recall in Chapter 6’s commentaries that I mentioned Evelyn would not be in Eon’s World Vol. 1 for long. Truth be told, I didn’t intend for her to be Eon’s World, period for long, because I had actually planned for her to die here. But I went back and forth on this a bit and the seed of a story idea for Vol. 2 started to take root in my brain and, in the end, I spared her. But this is the end of her story in Vol. 1. If and when you see again, it will be in Vol. 2 and what she’ll get up to there remains to be seen.

In the 2018 version of this story I had Raikou -- the character I created Evelyn to replace -- unceremoniously killed off during the fight. It was actually quite barbaric, really, as I had Delta stab her through the back, taking her completely by surprise. But I didn’t want to repeat that this time. Yes, Delta is absolutely ready, willing, and able to kill an enemy if doing so will save billions of lives -- she more so any of the heroes in this chapter, really -- but I didn’t really want that to be the lasting impression she’d leave at what is technically her first appearance in this series, especially when you won’t see her again in Vol. 1 until season 5 at the earliest and she’s going to be about six years younger then. Time travel!

But yeah, I decided to preserve the kind of anticlimactic end to the fight, but decided to make it be Nack shooting her. Evelyn’s spent their entire partnership treating him like he’s just hired muscle, constantly underestimating his craftiness, and that’s finally come back to bite her in the butt. But I didn’t want to kill her, either. Evelyn Blackwood is not a nice character, but she is someone who could be redeemed, which is why I’m giving her that chance.

Oh yeah, by the way, this is the 250th page of Eon's World Vol. 1.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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