


April 14, 2020



Commentary for April 14, 2020:

Oh, don’t worry, folks. Sonic and Blaze will absolutely be seeing each other again. In fact, I even have it good authority that Blaze will be making her debut in Eon’s World Vol. 2 very soon... although, chronologically, that takes place much later than this and Sonic and Blaze will be seeing each other again in the interim.

Anyway, I guess I finally did it, so let all doubt be set aside now that, in Eon’s World, Blaze the Cat comes from the planet Avalice from the Freedom Planet series. It bears repeating that the reason I went with Avalice rather than the alternate dimension of the games canon was for a number of reasons. One, I didn’t want to do the whole dimension hopping thing; for the sake of world building, I wanted to consolidate everything in Eon’s World into a single universe, rather than having a whole multiverseh. Two, Freedom Planet started out as a Sonic fan game and retains many qualities in common with the series it’s based on, so I feel as if it’s a natural fit for Avalice to also exist in the same universe as Sonic’s world, which is why I chose it for Blaze’s homeworld. And that brings us now to the actual Freedom Planet characters who appear in this scene -- General Gong and Neera Li (who is actually playable in Freedom Planet 2). And of course, I also included a couple of Avalician soldiers.

The problem I’ve had with the Freedom Planet characters is the size of their sprites. Freedom Planet is more based on the Mega Drive era of Sonic games, which had much bigger sprites than the Game Boy Advance era ones I use in Eon’s World, which is a problem if I want to also use Freedom Planet sprites. Honestly, it’s the reason I’ve avoided it up until now. But I guess being comfortable with resizing sprites from Sonic Mania for this comic meant I could be content with doing the same for Freedom Planet sprites. It took a bit of trial and error to get the right scale, but I think shrinking them to 70 percent their normal size should just about do.

The problem is, doing so does make them look a little grainy. Could I have fixed that? Honestly, yes, absolutely. The problem is time, which is why I chose not to (at least, not this time). Believe it or not, a single sprite can take up to an hour to get just right, and while I have every intention of telling future stories set on Avalice (Sonic Rush Adventure, after all, is set on Blaze’s world), it’s going to be a while yet, and I didn’t want to make the time investment for just one scene. Besides, I’ve resized Badniks like this and it’s never looked awful. Sub-optimal, maybe, but still acceptable, I think.

Credits: Blaze the Cat sprites originally by Kaijin.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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