January 28, 2020



Commentary for January 28, 2020:

Super Egg Robo Z originally appeared in only one story in Eon’s Comic. I found such a huge sprite simply too unwieldy for this type of comic (which, honestly, is the main reason why I so seldom have Eggman fight Sonic in his oversized doomsday robots). Anyway, that one story actually originally appeared a little later than this, but when I was working on the Eon’s Comic remaster in 2018, I nixed that story in favour of a completely new one (in fact it was the first completely new one I made, as I went back to revise my work and add these Blaze stories in later). Since this robot would never appear otherwise, I decided to include it in the Eon’s Comic remaster version of ‘Firestorm’, which is why it’s here now and, indeed, why I introduced it back in Chapter 9. Now Super Egg Robo Z’s tale is told and it probably won’t be back.

Y’know, I think it was because I’d recently watched ‘The Incredibles’ and ‘The Incredibles 2’ that I was inspired to have Blaze defeat Super Egg Robo Z the way she does here, by turning its own weapon on itself. In any case, I’m pleased with how it looks on the page here.

Credits: Blaze sprites originally by Kaijin.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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