June 24, 2019



Commentary for June 24, 2019:

As I’ve mentioned before, when I was first making Eon’s Comic, I treated my unfinished Sonic fanfic, ‘Rise of the Empire’ as the canon backstory to it (which is terrible storytelling). In it, Knuckles had already met Sora-Ya and was, therefore, familiar with her by the time of this chapter (or, at least, the corresponding story from the original run). However, while adapting the basic idea of that fic into the first four chapters of this remaster, I found no real reason to include Knuckles in that story arc. He wouldn’t have fit with the story, really, and I’m not even sure what role I’d planned for him in the original fanfic version anyway. In any case, whether he appeared earlier or appeared now, it was going to be his first canon encounter with the Echidna Empire, which was actually quite a challenge for me to write, but I’ll have more to say about that on subsequent pages.

Anyway, what’s this about Knuckles’s mother?

Well, it’s kind of a flip of Knuckles’s backstory in the Archie Sonic series, where Knuckles was raised alone by his father, Locke, who then up and abandoned him at some point, making it look as if he’d died. Of course, this turned out not to be true, and Locke had instead been hiding in a secret bunker on Angel Island with several generations of his forefathers (all of them previous Guardians), secretly watching Knuckles for reasons that were never really made clear. Anyway, this version of Knuckles was raised by his mother, and it was she who was the previous Guardian, and unlike Archie Sonic’s Locke, she is, in fact, definitely dead. Was her name Lara-Le? Had she loved an echidna man named Locke, who had been Knuckles’s father? Probably not, ’cause I don’t want Ken Penders suing me. And besides, it doesn’t matter anyway.

Unlike Archie Sonic, I’ve no intention of doing a deep dive into the backstories of any of the Sonic game characters. I fully expect to do more than the games ever do, in most cases, but not as deep as the Archie comics went.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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