June 5, 2019



Commentary for June 5, 2019:

I don’t know what it’s like for rich and famous people to date. I’m neither and I’ve certainly never dated anyone who is. I can’t imagine that, for royalty, it’s generally as straightforward as someone asks someone out, they go on a few dates, and then they’re in a relationship. But Silky’s having none of the usual royal highly intrusive scrutiny, because who she dates is between her and them, as she rightly says. Of course, there are probably valid reasons why the people surrounding the future Queen of Britannia would want to vet a potential suitor, but she’s also a teenage girl, who should get to experience something resembling a real relationship. I guess we’ll see how it turns out, won’t we?

Now, I hadn’t originally planned it that way, but that sabre Antoine gave Eon for the mission is basically Eon’s first legit sword. In the original Eon's Comic, Eon just randomly had a longsword some time after page 50, which was never actually explained. In my first pass at a remaster last year, I felt it was important to give some explanation for why Eon suddenly had a sword, and I’ve decided to really run with that this time. So Eon’s first ever actual sword is a Badnik-killing ceramic sabre used by the Freedom Fighters, specifically a spare sword Antoine had on the shuttle during the rescue mission. And yes, Eon’s keeping it. At the very least, his father can’t tell him he doesn’t know how to use it, after all.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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