


June 24, 2022



Commentary for June 24, 2022:

It’s the start of a new chapter, Chapter 39: ‘Potentia’. The title of this story is one of the few things retained from the original tale, told in Eon’s Comic #155-156, but we’ll cover that at the end.

This page was a bit of a slog. Getting that shot just right in the first panel took much longer than I’d hoped. It wasn’t just the placement of things, either, but the colours too. Indeed, I wasn’t at all satisfied with my initial efforts on the first three panels and came back the next day to make a few changes. I’m reasonably satisfied with them now, however. But the last two panels took a few days for me to get to, because I needed to make sprites of Sonic’s family. Uncle Chuck was easy enough, given that he’s basically a paler blue Sonic with a moustache and eyebrows (and a slightly different wardrobe), but Bernie and Aleena took a bit more effort. Still, I’m very satisfied with how they turned out. I suppose I should say something Sonic’s parents here. In official fiction (in western media anyway), there have been two completely different characters who have been Sonic’s mother, and I was inspired by a fun Tumblr blog that reimagined them both as Sonic’s parents. When I said “MAKE IT GAYER”, I meant it!

But if Bernie (who is based on Sonic’s mum from the Archie comics), has been recast as Uncle Chuck’s little sister, does that mean Jules (Sonic’s father in the Archie series) doesn’t exist in Eon’s World? Honestly, he may not. I liked Jules well enough in the old comics, but I think the most interesting part of him was that he was the last roboticised person on Mobius, and roboticisation just isn’t a thing in this setting. I don’t know how I’d make Jules interesting and, given that I’ve made Aleena (based on Sonic’s mother in Sonic Underground) Bernie’s wife and Sonic’s other parent, Jules is just kind of surplus to requirements. That doesn’t mean he’ll definitely never appear, just that I have no plans for him at this time. And if he does appear, he won’t be Sonic’s father.

Anyway, enough of that. You’ll be forgiven for not noticing, given that the date is not stated anywhere on this page, as it often is at the start of a new chapter, but this story actually takes place over a month after the events of the last two chapters. It is now mid October, which is why autumn is in full swing and it’s harvest festival time on South Island. So far, the only other holidays I’ve established to be observed in this setting are the winter and summer solstices, and I wanted to add a bit culture to the world of... Eon’s World. And that’s why harvest festival is a thing. I’m kind of imagining it as being a little like North America’s Thanksgiving, but without any of the problematic colonial baggage. But I digress. Sonic getting together with his family for harvest festival and taking this opportunity to introduce his parents all spun out of the autumnal setting and Silver’s musings over a world that still has things like the fall; the family scenes in this chapter were not in the original plan I wrote for it about two years ago now. I’d say more about Silver, but as you might guess, this is a Silver story, so there’ll be plenty of time to say more to say about him in the coming commentaries.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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