Chapter 8, A Voice in the Dark - November 14, 2018


Commentary for November 14, 2018:

Can I take a moment to say how happy I am with the sparkly effect on Silky’s dress? It turned out really well. Again, just a simple effect, but properly applied, it looks great!

Anyways, how about these nobles? Eon’s Comic never really touched on the Britannic nobility, despite the number of parties held at Castle Gemini. I don’t recall if I even really considered them all that much. But coming into Eon's World Vol. 2 [and subsequently, Eon's World Vol. 1, a few months fater this], I wanted the nobles to play a bigger role and for question of succession to be raised. I even planned and began script-writing for a whole chapter where the issue was raised, but I abandoned that because I didn’t think anyone but me would find it interesting to read -- the same reason Vol. 2 hasn’t done story arcs following political campaigns the way Eon's Comic did [and Vol. 1 will]. Instead, I folded the idea into Chapter 4 and reduced the entire discussion to a very brief exchange between Silky and Lord Matthews, who makes his first reappearance since then here.

But I hadn’t abandoned the idea and this chapter, at the start of a new story arc was the opportune moment to bring it up again, but in a different context. Gossip. That, I felt, worked a lot better than a protracted argument between the Queen and a nobleman whose role in Britannic society was unclear.

You might think what Ullswater is saying to Silky, her Queen, is incredibly ballsy. But it’s not at all, not in Britannia. You see, Britannia is a republic, and the reigning monarch is a public servant, not a ruler. People there are free to speak their minds on matters like this, even in front of the Queen herself.

In addition to succession, of course, there is the longstanding theme in Eon’s World of people in interspecies relationships and the prejudice people have towards them and their offspring. These nobles are using much more polite language to talk about Eon than people like Darth Wargaz, who screamed “half-breed” at him at every opportunity, but there is still a deep well of prejudice behind their words. [This is something that will explored in greater detail in Eon's World Vol. 1.]

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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