April 10, 2013 |
Commentary for October 3, 2019: Sadly, it appears that the original commentary for this page was written over at some point by the commentary for the next one. I’ve no idea what I originally wrote for this on April 10, 2013, so I’ll just have to give my thoughts on it now... six and a half years later. Well, it’s a lot more showing off of my 3D modelling skills, which I was very proud of at the time, and I really wanted to show off what I could do without the limitations of two-dimensional pixel art. Of course, my skills have improved significantly since then, but I’m not sure I’ve ever done a ship model quite so ambitious and daring as the Huntress, which I first made back in 2011, shortly after the final instalment of Eon’s Comic. I think it’s because I was so new to SketchUp then that I hadn’t quite come to grips with its limitations yet and was willing to try my hand at anything, even something so organically shaped as the Huntress, which originally existed as a sprite created by the highly talented Kompi for use in Eon’s Comic. It’s also the only ship class to carry over from Eon’s Comic into Eon’s World without being completely redesigned (at least on the outside). But yeah, those first four panels? Pure 3D modelling porn. Enjoy. Anyway, I’m not sure what’s up with Eon’s face in panels 6 and 8, but he doesn’t look right at all. I’m going to attribute that to rushing the art back then. In the 12 years since I had first created him, I’d drawn loads of pictures of Eon and, frankly, this is garbage compared to most of that earlier work. But then again, I wasn’t used to drawing him from all these different angles, so maybe that was partially to blame. Delta looks all right for the time, though. Finally, like the other pages between Chapters 1 and 6, in order to bring the format of the earlier chapters into line with Chapter 7 onwards, I’ve made an updated version of this page, which is larger, with clearer text. Hopefully, this will make the earlier chapters easier to read. |
Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright
to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not
public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or
otherwise used without first obtaining permission from
Bethany Turner. |