April 2, 2016


Commentary for December 23, 2019:

I remember being really proud of this page when I’d completed it. Especially Panel 3. I’d made these 3D models for fighters, which I’d adapted from my old sprite comic, Eon’s Comic and I was so excited for them to finally see some action. Really, looking back, I think I was right to be proud. Panel 3 still looks great.

Now, in the script, I had actually planned for Panel 2 to be a lot busier, with like the ceiling partially collapsed, small fires breaking out, with people trying to put them out, while others carried injured out of the room. That became a bit much, though, so I decided against it. Though, to be fair, the script did call for the room to be partially collapsed a few pages from now, so I might as well have done it here.

As with the previous chapters, I have now made an updated version of this page, which is larger, with clearer text, to make it consistent with Chapter 7 onwards. Hopefully, this will make the earlier chapters easier to read.

Eon's World is a fan comic created by Bethany Turner. All characters are copyright © to their respective creators. The contents of this site are not public domain material and should not be edited, distributed, or otherwise used without first obtaining permission from Bethany Turner.

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